The Livelihood Enhancement and Acceleration Project has continued to register and train displaced persons to become new farmers. After being trained in farming, they would receive vegetable seeds and tools like watering cans, hoes, rakes and fencing nets to start their own farming.
Throughout January - May 2020, there were 228 trainees, of 162 female and 66 male, who passed the courses in Tham Hin Temporary Shelter, Ratchaburi Province.
In May, 13 kinds of seeds amounting 88.37 kilograms were distributed, including 50 kilograms of mung bean for bean sprouting, as they are good source of protein, vitamin, etc.
Farmers’ Meeting on May 7, 2020, in which 38 farmers of 18 female and 20 male attending, at Tham Hin Demonstration Farm.

On May 12th-13th, COERR Kanchanaburi Agricultural Staff organized an intensive training course in Basic Composed Fertilizer Making to provide camp based refugee staff (CBRS) in Tham Hin Shelter with technical skills and knowledge that they can share to the farmers in their next visits, about benefits of compost, how to compost, how to maintain piling and tips for successful composting, when and how to use compost.
There were 7 CBRS participating in this training/workshop, of which 5 were in charge of agriculture and 2 were in charge of livelihood activity. Among them, 5 were female and 2 were male.

Later, COERR Kanchanaburi’s Agricultural Officers and the CBRS, being trained during May 12th - 13th, provided two Refresh Course Training Workshops on Basic Composed Fertilizer Making; on May 14th-15th for 23 displaced person farmers of 12 female and 11 male; and on May 20th – 21st, for 28 displaced person farmers of 14 female and 14 male. The workshop last 2 days: the first day was about theory and the second day was about practice.
The first workshop on Basic Composed Fertilizer Making on May 14-15, 2020 for 23 farmers.

The second workshop training in Basic Composed Fertilizer Making on May 20 – 21, 2020 for 28 farmers.

On May 25th, Farmers who raised animals numbering 32 families helped to repair and replace water system to have sufficient water for animal raising.

Organic Pig Raising in Demonstration Farm Center, of which pigs came from Animal Bank.

Duck Raising in Demonstration Farm Center

New registered farmers’ vegetable farms receiving seeds and tools and started planting since February and harvesting in May.

Newly registered farmers started planting in April and will start harvesting soon.

COERR Kanchanaburi also organized Organic Animal Food Making Workshop to farmers in Ban Don Yang Temporary Shelter during May 12-13, 2020. Ingregients were (grits, cracked corn, rice bran, soybean meal, powdered fish meal, Dicalcium Phosphaste and salt.
